Hey all, I’d like to apologize for my absence yesterday, However I dug up a real goodie for today.

It's called Grid, and you ask me, it's here to stay.

Grid is a mobile OS based on Android, developed by fusionGarage . It runs Android apps, came from Android code, but it’s not android…

There are obvious differences from the popular mobile OS, even just looking at the lock screen. Compare, on Android’s tablet UI you are presented with a small circle and a clock, to unlock you simply move the circle in any direction a small amount and the device unlocks.

As you can see simple, too simple for me.

Not that I prefer complex, but simplify too much and you sacrifice security. With fusionGarage’s Grid, you are presented with something simple, yet secure. Something you do near every day.

You sign your name.

Simple, intuitive, secure.

You unlock your Android Powered Device and see this;

A soft, sleek, scrolling customizable home screen.

Easy on the eyes, and well designed. Lots of space. By moving your finger in a left or right direction on the screen, you can reveal many, many screens! In fact sometimes too many. I know even on an Android cell phone I sometimes found myself struggling to find more to fill my home screens. Five in total!

With Grid, that’s not an issue. They’ve removed widgets and just found ways to satisfy you with the experience they provide!

You have clusters.

A cluster is a grouping of applications of a corresponding theme (e.g. Social networking, music, movies)

You move around the home screen in two dimensions not one, from cluster to cluster, and you feel open but not obligated to use all of your grid space. Your home screen is like its own world. It’ll likely fill itself over time, and you even have an interactive map in the top corner to quickly travel to different clusters! Simple as a tap!

Now if you happen to own both the Grid10 AND Grid4 (mobile smart phone running same OS) you can actually sync the state of certain applications (such as a playing movie) on your Grid10, and continue from exactly where you left off on your Grid4! Games, movies and more can be synced and taken anywhere!

Even the apps you know and use on your Android Powered Tablet will run on your Grid1o as well!

I’m not one to rave on and on about one product as you guys know, but I think fusionGarage has its first official fanboy.

There you go. Any questions, please feel free to ask in the comment section below, or by email at technical.confessions@gmail.com, on Facebook as Technical Confessions, or on twitter @techconfessions.

Well guys, that’s today’s Technical Confessions. As always, if you like what you read here, please subscribe and ALWAYS comment!

See Ya Next Time!