A filmmaking wonder.

August 27th didn’t yield much that I could write about, but for today, I found an article that’s kind of inspiring. Filmmaker Rob Spence has had a video camera replace a lost eye, and is now a ‘lifecaster’. His camera records to an external device, and he is working with Square Enix on a documentary.
Unfortunately I didn’t have much to say today, but I can’t do more than what I can do. There is more you can watch on the subject, though.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comment section below, or by email at technical.confessions@gmail.com, on Facebook as Technical Confessions, or on twitter @techconfessions (I’m sure he’ll figure it out).

Well guys, that’s today’s Technical Confessions. As always, if you like what you read here, please subscribe and ALWAYS comment!

See Ya Next Time!

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