Tag Archive: other

Come on RIM, think!

It’s starting to look like RIM is taking a dive, incomplete devices, broken promises of features yet to come, and now this!

What you’ll see at the link is RIM’s Torch 2 Fan Reviews. Only problem is, they feature phones in the video, which AREN’T the Torch 2! Watch at 0:15 in the video and you’ll see, quite specifically, an Android device! What’s up with that RIM? Why exactly are you advertising other phones now, it seems a bit counter productive don’t you think?

Research In Motion, When are you going to clean up your act? You were doing so well! The Curve, the Pearl, even the Bold and the Storm were all beautiful! what happened? You too a step back in hardware, and your software innovation is non-existent!  What happened to you?

I’ve said it once I’ll say it again… sell your stock while you can… RIM’s down and out.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comment section below, or by email at technical.confessions@gmail.com, on Facebook as Technical Confessions, or on twitter @techconfessions.

Well guys, that’s today’s Technical Confessions. As always, if you like what you read here, please subscribe and ALWAYS comment!

See Ya Next Time!

A Machine, By Any Other Name

Seriously!With this ( http://www.smosh.com/smosh-pit/articles/japans-latest-pop-star-exposed-fake ), it has been proven that corporations are willing to, literally, GENERATE a fake human being, in order to fool the public…

… okay, so we now have INTELLIGENT robots who can make their own language, COMMUNICATE in it, and change it at will (SENTIENCE anyone?) … we have Robots that actually use DECAYING ORGANIC MATTER (currently dead flies, Later human flesh) as fuel (ZOMBIES anyone?)… we have the ability to create SUPER REALISTIC flesh like masks with brand new faces, to put over their creepy looking faces (INFILTRATION anyone?)… And we have bluetooth, a silent, wireless, data transfer protocol which can be easily secured (intraspecies TELEPATHY anyone?)…

So, knowing these things, it is logical to assume that within 10 years, we shall have Fast, Intelligent, self-aware, Robotic, infiltration Zombies, Whom can  dynamically change their language, (so we cant understand it) or communicate “telepathically” via bluetooth…

Please, Please, PLEASE, program these silent killers with Issac Asimov’s three laws… I don’t want to be eaten by a robot…

Thank you.

P.S. ALWAYS, leave comments below 😉